The "Aliens" exhibition exhibited at MITC, Melaka is a one time visit kind of an exhibition. Not worth a second visit. You have the normal admission fees but there's also royalty charges if you wish to bring in a camera or two! So you know, there are four items brought over from Universal Studios.
The full scale Alien Queen from Universal Studios, greets you as you enter the exhibition hall.
The real shit up close and personal. Doesn't get any much cooler than this.
Then there's the Ewok from Star Wars, The Return Of The Jedi.
The Predator's head.
Lastly, the Alien from X-Files.
There are still tons of other cool exhibits as you roam around the exhibition hall such as these cool creatures from our deep sea oceans.
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Why yucks. The Alien Queen is so damn cool!
weh kat MITC ade alien exhibition??!!
knape kat KL tkde.
tak aci btol.
alien x-files tu best.
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