Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 2008!

Happy New Year everybody, don't drink and drive!

Monday, December 17, 2007

DIY Photography

I thought I would share these articles that I've stumbled upon about DIY photography.

First off, free cardboard lens hoods. Create yourself one from the dozens of downloadable cardboard lenses that are available. Who needs the real one!

Then, create your own Bokeh. This is done by using Canon's prime 50mm f/1.8 and a lense hood which is available from the DIY website I linked above. Results are amazing and of course any lenses could be used as long as it has a big aperture.

Lastly, try creating your own light box.

By the way, it cost no more than a few pieces of paper and a roll of sticky tape.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Some Wikis For Your Amusement

I present you some wikis for your amusement.

Love s
mall colourful fishes? Click for Tetras.

And with all those Hindraf shit going on, I guess we all forgot all about our Mat Rempits.

Hate our local censorship when you watch the idiot box? No wonder piracy prevails! Enter FUBAR. I'm pretty sure that they censors doesn't know the acronym because they let it out on Saving Private Ryan. Do you? We are all a bunch of FUBARs, so to say!

Dreamed of the ultimate camera? Empty your banks for Hasselblad.

And lastly, you might find cooties culture weird!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Old And New Toys

Here are some of the other toys in my collection.


The medium format camera, Holga also modified to shoot 35mm film.

Fisheye 2

Great fisheye photographs came out of this one, the Fisheye 2.

Gorilla Pod

And my recently acquired flexible Pod. Bends on any surface and sturdy like a rock.